tuesdays are mint think im going out tonight with the staff from work. only going out for a bit tho. was out lastnight.
thank fuck :evil: was having a class day until this evening descended, i defo blame tuesdays like, bath then bed for me i reckon, well not till i have had my waffles beans and cheese supreme PROBS TUES BLUES LIKE I RECKON
yeah will be watching the nightmares then ive got "STEALTH" to watch watched bout ten mins of it reminds me of all the old fighter plane movies IRON EAGLE
Comfort eatings not the answer... its comfort drinking and comfort :chill: that will get you through it
no :beer: in house and :chill: gives me the munchies anyway, im only just able to eat after the state my mouth was in after global
comfort drinking is NOT the way forward!! poor clarki got a right ear bashing off me on sunday and he didnt do anything wrong i was mortal and the drink made me more stressed than i was before i started!! :evil: by the way...dans tuesdays mix is wicked!!! well done!! cazz> :evil:
i have just downloaded some corkers like, unfortuntatley though i cant mix for england wasnt it dan who said he would show me, casy have words
his words to walvin the last time someone tried to play with the decks!! lmao i'll try though, although if i have it my way il be the next female dj of the world!! i wish!! by the way. happy 1500 posta to me clocking them up there!
Just been to the pics to see Skeleton Key. Was cool. Just waiting for Stephen to finish his game of Pro Evo and we'll be jumping into bed!
well tuesday is over and thank fuck for that, gotta be one of the worst tuesdays ive had in a while lets hope wednesday is better or i think i might
had to work evenin then went to see a friend up consett. came home and had the first mix since i played empire bout a month ago and everything was surprisingly on beat lol can't wait to gt back to uni now, i'm well and truely sick of work