Premium Text Messages Been charged £10 for premium texts that I didn't sign up for. Have received a few bolloxys ones recently but assumed they were text message spam so just deleted them. What's the best way to get rid of these bad boys, just text STOP to the number they came from?
rite will give it a try not sure how this crap got directed to me I would never put my telephone number down for this sort of shitty ringtone/animated screen savers/busty beauties nonsense.
I got this the other month my phone bill had £70 worth of charges on it in 1 fucking month the fucking ripping bastards, so I rang vodaphone they gave me the number for the company that was sending them, so I rang it and went totally off it down the phone, a week later they refunded my money.
me n paula were getting loads from some shite site or something and it was charging us loads... i did the 'stop' thing and never had any spam since. my mum got a new phone for her bday last month, she had never txt or called anyone except me and me bro's and sisters yet was getting ringtones sent to her randomly. the phone company said it was a scam randomly targetting mobiles but there was nowt they could do... she's gonna have to change her number but if she was on a contract phone instead of top-up then how much would they expect her to pay? robbing twats.
You're lucky to get your cash back. Pisses me off the way your network says it's nothing to do with them. Are they not the ones billing you!?!
they had to give me the money back I kept screaming at them till they said yes, i even threatened to go down there and kick off in person, the poor lady shit herself.
Re: Premium Text Messages whos the company thats sending you the texts? you can text STOP or STOPALL back to them to end them. Dont ring any premium rate numbers to stop them. If in doubt as to weather you are being charged, contact your network and ask them. and if you get a text from TOPTUNES...just delete my thread on it for why.
whenever you put your mobile number down anywhere (filling out forms, on net etc) the companies you give it to sell your information on to 3rd parties such as premium texts, email spamming etc i never put my mob no. down or my email unless it has a "data protection" box, or a "3rd party" box