Ulcers Fuck me man get this Millenium Dome oot me mouth I thought yesterday id of been ok today, i was fucking wrong I am more or less talking with a lisp, eating and drinking nacks If this state of me mouth is the future of Trance fuck that...
I too have what you could only describe as "fuckin aliens" on each side of me gob! lush.. Fancy somemore Whiskey on Saturday John lad
we can do but it maybe that which's made us like this, Jess must of been sneaking cheeky shots of it Aye a know, owt a eat's in a blender more or less Isnt salt water meant to help it, either that or am off to the Chemist for summit else..
Get bongela! I bet Bowser is feeling the pain...he had a full rainbow trout/ upside down smiley face on!
Nasty taste but you can gargle with TCP. That'll get rid of the buggers. Either that or crushed asprin in water's also good...
Bonjela helped my gum/mouth when my wisdom tooth was coming through had the most painful ulser ever...just lather it on