In one hand, out the other! Payday isn't what it used to be when you've got a house or car etc to pay for...
i got paid today but is all for ibiza so cant spend any of it only taking a bit to global coz wont need to spend much
Aye Mary launched the till roll of debt's i have to her at the moment then decided to she's gonna increase me board as well Safe to say already am roughly £300+ down, nowt too bad like suppose cos got few things to show wi me buying tops/shorts this week Managed to blag the increase of board anyways till next month Getting me "alf garnett" chopped later today after a trip to the bank cos am on an early finish wi me keying in at 6:56am Afterwards probs Sunbed / get ready then off mans to me mates engagement do and the £20 am taking out only to stop me getting stupidly pissed and missing the bus tomorrow It is however in a social club tonight.... cheap as flock for grog !
I'm in the middle of buying a house @ the min, you can imagine how much cash I'm having to shell out! Not just the legal side etc that's costing, it's the new furniture, carpets and other crap we don't really need but she wants! Don't need half the stuff as renting a place at present but try telling her that! *Too soft for own good*
I don't currently have any day of the month that I can call payday Unemployment (plus being a student) sucks