Florida Theme Park Tickets My mam is in a stress and has been giving me hell about where to buy theme park tickets for Disney and Universal Studios in Florida. Anyone know of any cheap sites/places to get them from? Any of you who have been to Florida where did you get yours from? Cheers
wait til u get across there to get them they do loads of discounts if u buy them together. we got them off the reps and worked out lots cheaper than the shops. u hav to get the big parks for 2 days tho otherwise u wont b able to see it all and if ubuy packages u get water parks for free and stuff. aww i wanna go back to florida is class the mints r mint but u hav to queue quite a while but defo worth it
http://www.at4l.co.uk/default.asp The 5 park flexi ticket is well good like fella. Its 14 days unlimitied access to every park except the disney ones i.e. both universal parks, Sea World, Busch Gardens and Wet and Wild. Theres disney tickets on their also. When you know what ticket you want dont just but them off the above site. Try a 'compare prices' search engine to get the cheapest
cheers all of u. I've been before with my grandma and auntie and they've usually got the tickets over there but my mam seems set on buying them over here just to be organised and ready to go as soon as we get there but i might try n twist her arm a bit and see what she says. We're going to the majority of disney and universal. I think its something loike a 10 day disney pass and 5 day universal or something. This time next month i should be there Typhoon lagoon and islands of adventure