duno if this link still works but; http://www.newsfilter.org/user_submit/uploads/squirtcontest_cythereasquirts.wmv
whenever they find themself doing nothing - eg, waiting for the red to change at traffic lights they get all agitated and feel throbbing in the naughty spot. As soon as they get to a toilet they go and release themselves - they compare it to a bloke cumin then havin an instant erection straight afterwards!
Nope.. Shes a world famous porn star. Aparently all women can do it they just need to be told how.. Seymore Butts released a dvd showing u how to do it.. I've got it lying round somewhere..
seen a sick one where wifie who spurts a small american footy out of her anyone seen Sticky Vicky?? i saw her benidorm years ago you should of seen how many flags she pulled out of herself and she colud open bottles of beer between her legs