Money/work/phonesexjobs/money reet, i think you can guess the tack of this thread does anyone know anyone that needs either temporary work doing, (high cash) any decent not-that-dodgy text or phone jobs (high cash) any things that anyone wants doing (ooh i need my car washed ill ring lucy) any mint moneyspinners that anyone knows of any FLEXIBLE HOURS jobs which can utilise my customer service skills 2 ready willing and mostly able laydeez of adult age requiring high cash jobs or anything like that nothing sexual you understand *shudders*. i would of asked elsewhere, but you are the best shower of bastards i know
ne illegalities like imagine what my rents would say - what you doing today lu? ah mam im just off to pick up some smack then stand outside the school gates to see if anyone wants any. mint. reet proud of me she will be
need me car washed like... only apply if u can wear tight hotpants and revealing top...on a cold day mind you
Fenwicks need temporary staff - I just applied for a summer job and had an interview today....doesn't seem too bad either, you tell them when you're available and they give you the hours then. £5.15/hr, which will officially be the highest wage I've ever earned And if you do find any random jobs with high cash paid, let me know too - I'll do anything! (Yes...anything )
I need a cleaner! Been looking round trying to hire one and some of the rates they want are outrageous.. Big clean on Monday, light dusting, ironing etc on Friday.
Thats not drug dealing as profession. Thats's being the little man(woman) who bots around locally everyday doing the bigger man's(woman's) dirty work and requires you to look rough, not have a great deal of intelligence and be fooled into thinking you won't get caught dangling bags of dust around school gates or having crowds of even rougher looking kids coming to the front door (of your NOT very big house) 24/7 whilst drinking cheap 'wine' of the 'lamb----' variety.
haha. I've just noted stuff from ganstar films incase i ever get into shit and need money quick i figure my odds of doing a shop over and getting away with it are less than doing a bit of 'work' on the side Or full-on as my methods would suggest. *gangster