im getting the odd few before a know it al have silver acrillic wig 70 %man made fibers 30% badger hair with a 40 degree wash
if i dont colour my hair i get the odd one or two coming through, been like that since 19+ really :spangled:
I started getting grey hairs a few years back like - First it was the odd one which my girlfriend used to rip out for me... but now its a case of having to accept its on its way. Its funny how you can go from being the prime of your life to being on the physical downward spiral in the space of 36 months
i do have a slightly ginger beard if i let it grow in however... but i think most brown haired chaps do... thats much worse isn't it?
I think most blokes get gingery beard hairs ... or at least i do and my hair is black. Its the grey nose hairs that are the real mind scramblers....
just big black sprouters for me... they're like charvers at the metro station - get rid of one and there's another one, in it's place - you're like "where did that fucker come from!!"