I think Oasis have gotten pretty stale since they started out, (which is a shame since they were rock and roll personified in the early days) but they still put on a good live show. And take or leave the Gallaghers, Andy Bell's still as cool as anything, he's just got it.
There were three or four sellers on E-Bay selling individual tickets for a tenner a few hours before the concert, yuo had to meet them at the arena but they were that desperate to get shot of them you could of got them for next to nowt
i was never a huge fan of oasis, i liked some of their tunes but that was about it, got dragged along to hampden to see them a few wks ago and turned out to be the best gig i've been to loved every minute of it and the atmosphere was fantastic, cant wait to see them again
I thought they were amazing seen them at manchester too, but thought Newcaslte was better...the atmosphere apart from how hot it was.....omg!
just like to add that they were amazing, first time i eva seen them on tuesday when champagne supernova came on, that was me finished was the one song i wanted to hear all night just hope there will be another chance to see them again