Anyone else watching Dispatches? It's about supply teachers... from what i've seen so far, fucking hell bring back the cane I say...
I'm classroom assitsing at a school in Blyth at the mo, the kids are a handful but they don't riot! its hard tough because loads of them have behavioural problems due to problems at home. There's an "inclusion unit" separate to the school with the really tough cookie kids. They all know the laws of what teachers can and can't do though, i turned a boy round back into the direction of his seat after he'd got up and chucked a bottle of water over a girl across the room. So he told me "touc me again and I'll sue!He was only messing but you know that they could easily blag anything to their parents
I couldnt think of owt better than being cained by a fit as fuck young supply teacher Id be a 24ct twat all day long, not that i wasnt anyways
Being caned does you nothing but damage and leaves you with mental scars. I was caned as a child and look what a mess I am ... ok so I wasnt caned for disipline, but just as a general beating but I should imagine itd have pretty much the same effect.
The catholic school they showed on there was interesting... they weren't afraid to exclude pupils and they gave an example of a group that had been misbehaving, they made them sit in complete silence all day for 3 days... Sounds a bit like my place
The one thing that puts me off having kids is having to put the poor things through school. School is a pile of toss ... I hated every minute of it. If you're not getting bullied, you're getting an earful from the head or some bullshit I always remember an english teacher throwing a board eraser at my head and another lobbing a stool at someone :spangled: Crackers!
It's called "education".......although school can be bad (i.e. bullying and all that)...the overall effect is obviously positive, and I for one enjoyed school! Imagine if you had never went but had private tuition, you wouldn't really have any friends and have no memories at all of your childhood...most of my best memories are from school since that was where I would see all my mates every day. I wish I could stay in education forever, am at Uni now and never want to leave!
i actually agree with ya there. it instills discipline which is lacking so much in our society. kids nowadays have no respect... when i was younger i was no angel, but we had the few tossers who were real troublemakers. the older i got the more i saw nasty fuckers coming through. every year the kids get worse and lack the basic social skills to behave in a civilised society... its not a case of being mischevious or cheeky, its just fucking nasty and it needs sorting before the next generation can fuck up. none of this do-gooding government shite is working. ooops... gone "off on one"
one of my teachers was a complete legend. he used to chuck allsorts and lock people in the supply cupboard if they were being disruptive, this was only like 8 year ago too. scared the shit out of your average 11-15 year old edit: i agree that kids' behaviour is getting worse to an extent as teachers have less control and the pupils can get away with more etc. and on the same note, happy slapping shit... it's people who have more than they deserve abusing the privlidges they have... imo anyhoo
its defo true... there were never so many charvs back home when i was a kid. yeah there were dodgy groups but nothing to the extent there is now. the new problem is this "glamorisation" of chav culture, imo it aint a joke.
my mate got a stool thrown off his head by a technology teacher. i reckon the teacher got sacked for it cos he left not long after. the shit that happens i schools these days is proep fucked up. they should send the teachers into the army before school. either that or get drill sargeants to teach maths, little fuckers wont dare answer back winning :up
None of my childhood memories are from school. I dont wish to remember any of it ... I dont see any of the people I went to school with either. Each to their own like, but personally I didnt like it ... I was beaten at home, then bullied at school - fond memories eh!