Whats this about Cole Trickle liking four male fingers up his arse? MALE FINGERS as well Each to their own I guess?
Different waters float diff boats i guess. I'm partial to the odd finger i must say so, obviously not my own. Usually my grans!
It was a rumour started buy a gay bloke who could not get over the fact i like pussy... Bit like that craig bloke of BB cant stand the fact that Anthony bones birds not ass
Re: Whats this about Cole Trickle liking four male fingers up his arse? I'm sure it involved 4 not just one
Re: Re: Whats this about Cole Trickle liking four male fingers up his arse? I heard it was more than 4 fingers and other body parts got involved and was all done to music. Rumour has it they played that song that goes "four fingers, one thumb, one arm, one leg one nod of the head keep moving....."