Giving Blood I am giving blood for the first time on Tues Obviously being Royal and all that it is quite valuable stuff Does anyone else give blood? What can I expect?
ive never gave out but ive had a transfusion so hurrah to everyone that does My mam gives it all the time, she says its alright, ya might feel a bit light headed but they give you tea and biscuits afterwards so you will be fine
I had a bad car accident a few years ago and decided to after that Kept getting piercings though so I had to keep waiting a year. Now I'm going for it, think I will need someone to hold my hand like!
hahahah I've seen them at various festivals, I doubt it. maybe the Boy will come along, he will for some biscuits I bet!
it's nothing. It's th thought that gets to you. 'Someone jamming a metal rod into a vein in my arm and sucking out a load of blood' Just look away and look through your phone or text someone in the middle of it. It's nothing honest. I beoke my ankle a couple of years ago and had no option but to have my blood taken and i was shitting myself but its just like any other needle. I can nip myself and make it hurt more. JUST DONT LOOK
i wouldnt be able to either, far too much:chill: floating around in there, the recipient wouldnt know wot hit them!!
im a regular doner just remember to keep a bit pressure on the elastaplast after its finnished or you can get a big fuk off bruise just a couple minutes, its totally painless and they give you a nice cup of tea and biscuit when ya done
Jane I think you will find they wont allow you to give it after you have filled in questionaire (a) have you taken it up the ass in the last year (b) have you had unprotected sex in the last year (c) have you had any ropey piercings (d) have you had sex with any one dodgy etc etc you will see!!!!!!!
the jedi skills of a full fledged master I see I think you will find that I am not just joking here just given blood myself and the questionaire is a minefield I think you will find in answer to your last comment that I have tried very hard to give you the opinion that I wanted to shag you in "loadsa money" kinda way but I see you as luke skywalker sees princess leia taxi for oneil (literally)
TRANSLATION - Jane, you have said something funnier than me I have no comeback SO I am going to resort to Star Wars references And mention taxi drivers, because you are going out with one..