Do people seriously like getting this wrecked ??? I'm not being funny but it sound like hell to me, You's kidz are KrAzY
Its been known yes but i t\ake it back, I cant tka back being totally out of control and a dribbling wreck, I will stick to tea and scones i think
i wasn't dribbling was i????? Marce> we were the little mice of the night hun, i was enjoing what i was watching @ the time by then (i think) and fink i dun really wel 2 come out of the little hole i fell in without being to much of i migermongomongoloid! i fink i done well.............. blue peter badge anyone?? and anyway, i was the one who stayed in all lovely saturdy and tidied up. see am not a nasty cheese pasty!
I'm not tlaking about taking drugs in moderations as your still in control, but surely like most poeple hate getting too drunk, getting totally smashed on drugs is not only VERY dangerous but whats the point ??? Surely it shoul dbe done to a level where your still in control and not paranoid or not aware of your surroundings ???
if we didnt know the facts we wouldnt do it?! TBH its us that got in a state (well me anyway) not you please less of the lecture mam.
Its not a lecture it was question, Do you enjoy being in a state where your not in control and paranoid ??? I'm just trying to understand why people choice to do it ???
Look i have tried all drugs but i have never had the urge to get completely fooked, thats what im talking about, people who take drugs till they look like bez or shaun ryder, you see them all the time in the clubs and its embarrasing, I'm not anti drug in the slightest i just thing people should learn the word moderation, thats goes for drink too
i personally LOVE being fooked as you put it just because you cant see the fun in it doesnt make it wrong or embarassing your to hung up on what people will think of you just lose the plot and you soon learn that other peoples opinions dont matter as long as your havin a good time loosing the plot