98 ways to top yourself (FAO A certain fruitcake)) Heres something to help you along. 1. Slit your wrists. 2. Drink cleaning supplies. 3. Put your dad's rifle in your mouth and shoot. 4. Cut yourself along several major arteries and bleed to death. 5. Fill the bathtub with hot water and go underwater. Hold your breath until I say stop. 6. Give yourself a homemade tattoo with a toxic silver pen. 7. Fill up bathtub. Grab a toaster and plug it in. Get in tub with toaster. Push down button and enjoy! 8. Boil several gallons of water on stove and "accidentally" pour it on yourself. 9. Bash your head in with a hammer. 10.Get an axe from the wood pile and split yourself in half. 11.Use your telekinetic powers to make the house fall apart. 12.Break a mirror. Take two big pieces of glass and shove them in your eyes, hard and deep. 13.Shove a chef's knife up your butt. 14.Kill someone else brutally and plead for death by lethal injection. Of course, you might have to be butt raped on death row for awhile. 15.Break a bottle of wine on a table and shove it deep into your stomach. Note: This might not work well if you're really, really fat. 16.Have your best friend run you over with a steamroller. 17.Turn on iron until water dances on surface. Place it on several parts of your body for at least 45 seconds. 18.Jump off a building, aiming carefully to impale yourself on a lamp post. 19.Drive a wooden stake into your heart. Leave a note describing how you couldn't live the life of a "vampire." You'll be remembered then as some crazy sonofabitch. 20.Induce vomitting until you black out and slip into a coma. This coma should last for several months, in this time your family will pull the plug. You're annoying anyway. 21.Put your pinky, as well as any other digits that will fit, into an electrical socket. 22.Purposefully catch your clothing in the escalator at a local mall and fight off anyone that tries to help. Enjoy the ride! 23.Swallow vanilla bath beads. 24.Drop a lit match down your throat, washing it down with lighter fluid. 25.Eat three tubes of toothpase--and I'm not talking bout trial size, either. 26.Hang yourself in closet with electrical cord. 27.Unbend a coat hanger and shove it slowly and carefully up your nose. 28.Crash your car, going at top speed, into a department store window displaying a nativity scene. Merry Christmas! 29.Lodge your head in the toilet bowl and flush mercilessly. 30.Get your hand caught in the CD-ROM drive and attempt to cut it off with a dull pocket knife. 31.Make a huge pipe bomb and blow your house up, with you inside, of course. 32.Stuff toilet paper down your throat until you choke. 33.Eat baby powder. 34.Eat deodorant. 35.Take a walk in the ghetto with a giant boom box blasting Vanilla Ice. 36.Anger a cannibal. 37.Drown yourself in a spoon full of water. 38.Get a friend to throw a few CD's frisbee style at your stomach and throat. 39.Swallow fifteen razor blades. 40.Drink 2 bottles of cough syrup. 41.Lock yourself in a room. After you've eaten all the carpet and peeled the paint off the walls as a snack, you'll starve. 42.Swerve into the left rear wheels of a MOVING transfer truck on your bike. 43.Break a battery open, pour it into a bottle of Dr. Pepper and drink it. 44.Live on top of an active volcano. 45.Piss off O.J. Simpson. 46.Eat a string of christmas tree lights. 47.Give yourself a million paper cuts. If the cuts don't kill you, the counting will. 48.Nail yourself to the side of a federal building. 49.Scalp yourself. If you're not dead, make photocopies. 50.Cry your eyes out--literally. 51.Burn plastic and breathe in the toxic fumes. Burn, baby, burn. 52.Charge into a big screen TV. 53.Lag behind when participating in a bull run. 54.Walk around in downtown New Jersey with a Target store shirt on. 55.Smash your head into the safe door again, again, again, again...etc. 56.Spray a bottle of air freshener up your nose and inhale at the same time. If you don't die, you'll get really high. 57.Eat a dog with heartworms raw. 58.Strategically place yourself in the middle of a very busy intersection at rush hour during daylight savings time while wearing a tight, black jumpsuit, being ever so careful to hit every single car you see. 59.Go to a horse race and jump out in front of the leading horse screaming, "I'm a pony! I'm a pony!" 60.Make like Sonny Bono when on a skiing trip. 61.Get run over by an ostrich. 62.Get naked and lie on 12 150-watt light bulbs and then flip the switch. 63.Cut off all your fingers and then write a ten-page report on "Polyester vs. Cotton Fabrics" with the stubs. 64.Get pregnant and then have your mother perform an emergency C-Section just for kicks. 65.Jam a toothbrush into your belly button. 66.Brush your teeth with a Mach 3 razor. 67.Drill a hole in your head. 68.Find a huge pine tree. Cut it down with a chainsaw while standing in its falling path. 69.Skinny dip in a shark tank with your favorite rubber ducky. 70.Drive with a rabid monkey in your back seat. 71.Play NASCAR with an unsuspecting fellow driver. 72.Jump off the balcony in a school auditorium. 73.Smash your head through a wooden door, making sure you get plenty of splinters. 74.Jump in the way of a moving subway train. 75.Do back flips in a mosh pit. 76.Attempt to leap tall buildings in a single bound. 77.Jump out of a moving bus window and do shoulder-rolls across the highway until you get run over. 78.Always use the wrong tool for the job. 79.Float on your back in the Anaconda River and wait. 80.Get in a pool with Pirahnas and have them tear you apart, bit by bit. 81.Wedge yourself in the "doggy" door of the garage door and have your friend press the "garage open" button. Ouch. 82.Use a chain saw to cut out pictures. 83.Shove a TV antenna in one ear and out the other. 84.Bite your arm and suck and swallow the blood. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. If you don't get the idea by now, just blow your brains out. 85.Strangle yourself with your best necklace. 86.Perform self-quadruple bypass surgery. 87.Take out your own spleen. Cook it in the microwave for two minutes and then eat it. 88.Cut yourself up and feed as much of you as possible to the family dog/cat. 89.Cut off your limbs and put them in the crock-pot for your family to find. If your crock-pot isn't large enough, put extra flesh in the freezer for later. 90.Swan dive into the 10 gallon fish tank. 91.Give yourself a buzz-cut with bush shears. 92.Gather up a group of friends to push all your pressure points at the same time. 93.Straddle a neon sign. Don't let go, no matter what people tell you. 94.Go swimming in an oil spill. Don't forget to open your eyes underwater! 95.Smash a porcelain doll in the middle of the street and consume the pieces left over. 96.Roll around nude in the middle of a busy street at noon. 97.Drink paint. Eat the stick you stirred the paint with. Wash it down with paint thinner. Yum. 98.Take all the pills in your medicine cabinet along with a shot of every single liquor known to man. Take a little nap. Don't bother waking up.
How behind are you like http://www.bangingtunes.com/forum/topic/t16700/p283875/#283875/searchkill+yourself/ I posted that ages ago
Why is there any need to bite back? Ive said countless times that I am indeed crazy so I fail to see your point o fishy one