Foundation Job Just looking through the job section in the Chronicle and find a job for a promotions manager for Foundation paying between 22 and 32k!!
Re: Foundation Job Blimey Canny wage. Altho I think its gonna become a harder job than before, quite soon
and they advertise in the chronicle for a promotions manager??... all ya goin to get is ex managers of the tuxedo or bigg market bars.........baja beach club here we come!
me neither Maybe its relating to the charvs that go there.. can't see many of them being in that line of work though
surely your not daft enough to think that someone whose only experience is promoting pound a drink nights (and such like) in the toon is capable of attracting the standard of nights needed to replace whats leaving? that was my point, maybe I should have explained it better? I would have thought they need to advertise further afield then the local rag? baja
Not exactly. at the end of the day they are looking for someone with promtion skills, just because they may come from up here does not mean they cut their teeth doing promotion for some shitty chav night? who's to say that someone who has worked for a large company wont see the vacancy and go for it? besides, even if someone who HAS worked in that vacancy gets it, what difference will it make? christ, it's not the end of the world, im sure that foundation will only employ someone they consider suitable!
Who's to say they haven't? Most jobs are advertised in many different places/publications. For example, media/PR jobs at the Sage are often advertised in the Chronicle and other media press such as the Media Guardian. I also think you are underestimating the readership of the Chronicle, especially on jobs day.
The Position has now been filled Foundation have a new Promotions Manager He has Loads of experiance of High Profile bookings and Students nights There are loads of great stuff lined up for september Watch this Space .