Drinking your own... Urine!! AHH! This is wrong!! Theres a man on This Morning who claims he drank his own urine to cure his epilepsy. "Three glasses a Day" Ron admits he found it hard to get down at first, 'I first began mixing it with fruit juice to get it down but within about eight weeks I was drinking it neat. Now I drink it about three times a day. I feel really healthy now - I didn't change anything else, not my diet or anything and I haven't took medication in over 8 years. I've heard that you can drink other people's urine but I couldn't bring myself to do that!' I feel really really really sick thinking about that... Is that possible?!
it's got good stuff in aswell as toxins... probably not best to drink EVERY drop of piss your produce
I once pissed in a mate's pint when he was in the bogs he then came back and drank it. I havent told him about it like.
I once read somewhere that after you've taken certain substances, most of it actually just gets digested straight through your system, so if you were to drink your own pee on a night out it'd be like having another hit :spangled: I have yet to be desperate enough to try it out.
your not meant to drink your first piss of the day as it has loads of urea and other toxins in it. infact i dont think your menna drink your piss at all the more yellow your piss is the more toxins it has in it. i can imagine its quite a party trick tho i think your chances of pulling would decrease.