Poker. "Texas hold em" is this the best card game ever? I think it is fantasic and would to have a proper stab at it in real life, probaly never happen although i reckon it will be the next big thing. what you reckon?
texas hold em is an amazing game. Ive played all types of poker and i can enjoy omaha, and razz and all that comes with it. But Texas hold em is the daddy and i love playing it. I know that stanley casino does a hold em toury every wednestday i think it is, tho not many in the uk do. I reckon id hold my own against any on here so if u wanna play me just tell me the site u play on and ill come give u a go
Tis a good game but it's hard as fuck to play well. If ya ever go to a casino play "Casino Royal" its dead easy to pick up and you nearly always win, not a lot but its better than nothing.
I was just about to say you have the best dealer going You only make me dealer cos you know I'd whip your asses if I played My dad plays it every night online and in a year he's won over 5k just entering little small tournaments on William Hill like $5 tournaments n stuff. He's been to the casino a couple of times too but they have buy ins till a certain amount of time so the chinese just keep flopping their cash down and it doesn't really say anythign about skill until you get to the last table It's still a mint game though. Paul - get another night sorted