Recruitment Agencies Does anyone know any good recuitment agencies, in particular ones which specialise in Marketing and PR? I'm already registered with: Reed Nigel Wright Concept Personnel Solutions Recruitment
Just had a look on their website, had one job to apply for, when I went to apply for it it had been advertised since Dec 2004! Thanks for suggestion anyways
sean - try Q for marketing, but your better off registering with nationwide agencies not the shitty little clerical / office based stuff... send your cv to some agencies in Leeds and Manc.. gluck!
Try Paul off hear m8 he's got his own agency in s.sheilds called 'Libra' he might be able to sort ya out
Office Angels 0191 261 0123 Direct Recruitment 0191 260 5151 Primetime Recruitment ( next to Ikon ) Now Recruitment Annibelle Staff Bureau Try all them mate there all canny good like!
Unfortunately I have!! lol If you wanna send ya cv through Sean i`ll happilly have a look and see if we can help at all