Coloursfest on saturday Sooooooooooooooooo Anyone from here coming up to visit me and claire this weekend? (or to re-word it, coming to coloursfest!)
iv got guestlists but i dont know if its 100% has it sold out or can i pay on door if it all goes wrong and I HAVE TO PAY?
As far as i know its not sold out, who did u get the glist through??? Dunno about actually paying in at the door, but apparently people were selling tickets for it outside for about £15 last year.
He probably won't even get to play, nevermind getting you a guest list! How much is it to get in? Isn't £15 quite cheap for it?:spangled:
Aye i know andy, should be alrite then. Are u going to see him play? im sure hes on first on the outdoor stage thingy so if u dont get in there shouldnt be a problem getting hold of him. where u staying up here on the sat nite?
i think ill go up anyway ill get sorted outside if things go amiss. r u scottish birds offering us a bed for night or do i have to book a hotel?
Its £40 for a ticket, but theres means and ways of getting cheaper ones. Got mine via the slam board for £25. Tbh im not really into the dj's that will be playing at it anymore, going more so i can see folk ive not seen in ages! and it only costs £6 to get there in a taxi fae ma hoose!!