i think it has a lot of potential, its not gonna be available overnight but once its readily available i reckon itle change the face of medicine forever
Before I voted I was thinking... how can anyone be against stem cell research?!!!!!!!! Then saw results and seen that noone was and was like..... cool! Good question that! NOT!
Is the reality though. The peeps that are against stem cell research and abortion don't kick and scream when their mother get's hooked up to a life-support machine after a car accident. That's no more natural, and by their logic, unethical. And anyways, there's a whole lot of other ethical subjects that mean a whole lot more to the average proles like us than that. So until the whole world is enlightened to the fact that nothing really matters unless it's chocolate-flavoured (with sprinkles), I shall continue to make light-hearted wit of the unspoken.