Schoolgirl Diaries Have just been having a tidy out of my room up here and came across some old diaries so decided to have a read, my god the stupid things I put in when I was at primary school and the first few years at seondary school. It's amazing what you think is back then
There is nothing juicy from thos eyears, it just made me laugh the things I used to write, mainly about boys, one day it'd be I love xxx he is so nice then the next I hate xxx cos he said he likes football too much
i recently found some letters me n my friend used to write each other when we were in english class Said stuff like: What drink u buying tonight? Think i might get 2 cans of lcl and a bottle of peach concorde! what you gonna tell your mam your doing, my mam thinks i am going bowling Them were the days
Peach concorde, yeah totally or Thunderbirds/20.20 if you were feeling brave enough. God yeah, everything when u were young was such a dilema. Good times though
was all about white spectrum cider, tasted like petrol but £1.29 a bottle and couldnt walk for hours :drunk:
me & my friends used to write each other letters in hobbit when we were grounded or make diaries & letters for each other when we were grounded...still got some of them now! well funny reading material!
lol, it was all about buying 8 cans, a bottle of cider (owt would do ) and a bottle of broon for a 'nice' drink... end up smashed and rolling around in a field somewhere...
mine drink as a young teen was white lightnin, bella, 20.20 they seemed to taste nice just a few years ago i think i wud be sick if i tried drinkin it now.
Brewed my own special brew at age 14, about 7 pints at 10 percent. So pissed i was literally doing handstands against the wall at 1 am. Not much has changed, then Harry