Bad Back I always have pains in my lower back, I have them really bad today, I was just wondering if anybody else has been the same and been to the docs about it and if so what did they say? I feel a bit silly going to the docs leaning over like a grandad with a bad back I just wondered if there is anything you can get for it, because I assume there is? Im sure Natalie said something about having a bad back but I might have lied... Anybody?xx
I had a really bad back, it was so bad I was literally walking around like an old man with a walking stick, I went to A&E it was so bad and they jsut asked if I was having any pains in my legs and stuff as well and they gave me some Codeine. Told me not to overdo it but not to rest too much and use things like ice packs and deep heat. It was fine for ages but has been twinging again so went back to the doctors yesterday, plus I want a sick note to try and get more marks in my exams and she tested my knee reactions and thigns and said there's nothing they can do they can't relaly find out whats wrong and just to take Ibuprofen and painkillers and use Deep Heat. Hope now I've done it in once it doesn't keep occurring though but she said I'm likely to be stuck with a bad back forever now :cry2:
I used to get that quite a lot from playing football and rugby all the time. Joints were always comin out of place. I Just used to get someone to walk on my back and crack them all back in again, you could try that? Then again, have you been drinking lately, because when i have a drink the base of my spine is really sore the next day.
Mine isnt that bad, its not really just my lower back, its the top as well it feels like it always needs cracking... Its sooo painful It just really aches I just feel Like I wanna lie down So they just said take painkillers and stuff?x
I went on an all day bender yesterday which I do think has made it worse... BUT it is always bad, it always feels like I need to crack it!! One of my mates have cracked it before and I loved it..but isnt it bad to get it cracked all the time?? I feel all achey today
It's not so bad now think I just really jerked it at the time and took a while to heal, my prescription is to get a really fit bloke to give you a very nice long massage, works a treat Mine sounds the same now though it's just to one side at the lower left hand side and it really aches especially if I've either been on my feet too long or sitting down too long so I can't win have to have a mixture. Everyone has blamed my boobies though, so they do have their downside So get yaself a lovely massage and painkillers and rub some deep heat on, notrecommended if you are going out as it total stinks
be aware of your posture and be don't pick things up without using your knees if you keep moving and stretch it out it will go away sitting on the sofa watching tv all day will make it worse, exercise will make it better (you will be amazed the amount of people who do not realise this)
If you've been on a bender then, it might be because your liver and kidneys will probably be working overtime to get all the crap out your body It probably is bad to crack your back like tbh, but it feels so good at the time
Mine is horrendus at the min. Had bad backs on and off for about 9 years now. Always in the lower back. The longer im sat down the worse it is, so im in pain all day at work. Also driving is horrible, takes me a couple of minutes to get it straightened and be able to walk ok after i get out the car. Like i say its beeon off and on, can go a month with it being bad and two months with it being fine, but once it sets in i know im in for a bad few weeks. Just have to sit up as straight as i can, dont slouch etc, and it tends to eventually go. I can only remember it being this bad once before, about 4 years ago. Went to the doctors, he did fuck all, said get some paracetamol. Nob.
It can be a number of things from the way you sit, to the way you sleep, drive, bad posture, bad diet (too much dairy ), big paps! Do you get headaches? Pain at the lower end of your spine will normally result in headaches and tightness round your neck. Either get regular massages or go see a physio. Catching it early is the key.
I got told to make sure I do lots of exercise otherwise the muscles just seize up and make it worse, not major sports or anything
Worst thing about mine is im really struggling to do things like put socks on in the morning. Strugglin to get me trainers on at the min here! But i can play football fine. :spangled:
the discs in your back collect fluid overnight so expand, meaning it's worse on a morning until you get up and moving bending forwards means it puts pressure on the front of the disc and pushes it backwards into the nerve so it hurts lie on the floor and do a half pressup bu keeping your hips on the floor, so you're bending backwards
Haha! Forgot you were an expert on this Dave! Tbh my back is actually better generally in the morning, and gets progressively worse during the day (sitting at work). When i said i struggled in the morning, thats cos thats when i put socks on, wasnt specifically meaning it was worse in the morning. I struggle more later on! Gotta get these trainers on, goin out in 30 mins!
What a load of shit!! In the nicest possible way... Only that quote though. I do think excercise can really help. But what time of excercise are you talking? Stretching and stuff?