Gutted! There is nothing worse than not being happy with a hair cut!! "Put it back on, put it back on!"
Does it look like the Council have done it P.s i am also gutted over the course of my dinner i have managed to loose my cash card :evil: Have just rang up and it will take about 12 days to get a new one :fuming:
I might as well have one! It's way too short and way too thin! At least it will grow back I suppose...
Re: Gutted! Must still look batter than that time last year that you bleached your hair and it went a funny shade of orange :laugh: :laugh:
I sacked my hairdresser's today to go to a new place I have been going to the same place for about yr and a half maybe more and at first i was happy but then realised it wasnt that good really Went to some place in Jesmond today and was well impressed Its still no skinhead tho for convenience, which may i add come very close to doing this week I dread walking round my shops tho when this lass see's that i have gone elsewhere, me knowing her like i do as well "Ya fucking turn coat, where did you get that done and why"