Lee Hemstock Anyone else seen the @ Promise this Friday LEE Hemstock posters!!!! While Deaks is away....
bad crack, ive never seen them who does these flyers anyways its not the first time this has happened
i remember the cock up with, misstress barbera aswell, and when lab-4 played they must have put a one off evil night on in the back room, lets go dance to some GARGE :evil:
not as funny as a poster i saw in barcelona.... ardvertising the dj on the night as "ndc".... turns out it was Andy C playing.....
at the first crasher n.e.c they printed vinyl wall displays with the set times on and it said 'deep fish' on it used to have a photo of it but dunno where it is now
i remember when promise fkd up ronald van gelderen's name. roland van gelderon... he didnt turn up though, maybe he took the huff!!