F**kin Windows Smartphone I was just in the middle of replying to a txt (you know who you are, this is why u dont have a reply ) and my phone died, big time, had to factory reset, wiping EVERYTHING form the phone in the process... now i should be able to restore my address book etc from my outlook one, but as for the rest, i think it's safe to say it's gone... anyone have any idea whatsoever why it would suddenly decide to do this? until recently this phone had been so capable, poerful... great... hooray for the windows smartphone (c500 btw)... but recently it's just 'had enough' and given up entirely :evil:
pfft to you ur right tho, it's proper shagged :spangled: in answer to your question - yes, it seems worthwhile, if u want more info ur either gonna have to wait a second, or catch me on msn
the microsoft smart phones, especialy orange ones, are prone to so many faults its untrue, its like windows itself, sometimes nothing goes wrong and its all fine, but on a diffrent pc it can be totaly crap good luck to you m8 cos once you have to reset them they dont ever work right again, and expect some very wierd faults m8, when i used to work for orange i used to call one customer with a smart phone every day to see what new fault his phone had decided to created that day. if u want a smart phone, the best ones to stick to are the sony ericssons, and rember, orange put there own software in phones, so if you can avoid an orange phone all together a get a sim free one with the orginal makers software!!!
Ive got an SPV C500 Great phone but it does seem to be getting progressively slower as time goes by - Good old microsoft