not right for the job i went for an assessment for a technical helpdesk job when they said i would have to complete single and group assessments i assumed stupidly that they meant id have to do some tests regarding IT technology and then some problem solving group work. turns out i had to do a survival situation test the scenario was a small plane crashed in canada and only left 11 people alive there were 11 various items which you had to put ito order of importance, so the group could survive. so obviously i put the tools needed to get a fire going as top priority. turn out im "not the right person for the job" because i should have put things like gathering food first. the cheeky woman actually told me and about 10 others that we wernt what theyre lookin for and that we dot have the right qualities. i worked for a more technical helpdesk for about 6-7 months without any problems and apparently id be shit at this job because im meant to stuff my face with berries if i had a plane crash over canada. in a word "BOLLOCKS" :bang: :fuming:
lol, not a call centre, a technical help service for mot systems, it isnt working with the public its worki for a series of garages which use a certai system for logging mot system faults. you peenarse
Re: not right for the job :fart: dont worry im sure if she is ever in a plane crash over canada she will be fat then freeze to death. much rather prolong the agony for her
Re: Re: not right for the job hopefully a fuckin' bear will eat her. while theoretically i'll be warm round me campfire waitig for the rescue party. fucking what a way to pick workers for an it company.
I think that test is is a common one for getting people into jobs these days, every assessment I have had has involved one of those, it's all about common sense really, picking the people who would be able to carry on the human race, those who could make shelters etc etc. I figured these kind of tests were more to show how you work with other people and how you argue your points more than who you picked though?! I passed though
Never mind Booth -was this the one through Durham?? Give that number a ring i gave u ages ago-they are really helpful!
aye t'was the durham one. and on another note i watch ray mears survival programs religiously. not that im sad or owt
I've been an assessor for one of them when we were recruiting for my replacement at Corus. HR are supposed to be experts but the ones at corus were useless
My exam on Thursday is all about assessment centres and things like that so of course I've been studying really hard, and the main reason they are so shit is because they just hand the job over to the people who would be your managers rather than getting people in to do them and they havn't really got a clue about the meaning of these things. They'd prefer to just have an interview but it's more common practice to use these other techniques such as assessment centres to make them look good. It's all about measuring different dimensions and stuff, but in reality the majority are jsut taking notes on what they like and what they dont like about you Wow I impressed myself with that bullshit
thats rediculous if u ask me!! If anything you should be assessed on how well u work as a team rather than stuff like that! Such as group discussions and if folk aren't participating then you try bring them into it more to be part of the group etc