Egypt Cottage these days? whats the crack with it? do they open upstairs and do different music still? i was fliering last night and fancied popping in when i was down the quayside bit but i'd of strayed too far..
Its fucking shit Saying that its where i played me first set out :laugh: and suppose its where alot of DJ's first made there name. Its had its uses
my mate at college was asked to play a friends birthday function thing their, he phoned them up and asked about their dj equipment and they said not to worry, when he turned up they had 2 kam belt drive decks and only 1 needle so he couldnt mix off records all night, and those double cd decks things with only 1 working, which meant he couldnt even mix on cds all night either...GUTTED :LOL:
im well pissed off at it i had bookings till next year there with some good guest dj's but the manger malcom walked out and compleatley fooked me over as he told new manger that there was no bookiings there so im left up a creek with out a paddle i have meeting with new manger next week so hopefully can sort something then untill i move to my new venue yeah you have to take your own decks etc other wise your fooked watch out for some diverse music when thunda returns also watch out for research happening late 2005
As far as I know the new management want to turn it into a live venue for local bands. God knows where they are going to put them!