f***ing charvas just walked upstairs and was closing curtains wen i loked to the estate out of the back and they had started a massive fire on the green :evil: there were really young kids playing near it aswell shoting more stuff on really boils my piss so i rang the fire brigade and police to come sort it out. which is wat anyone would do i have just had a phone call of them thanking me for taking the time to report it was no need for them to ring i was just doing wat anyone would to be fair charvas mn they need putting in a chamber n gassing :evil: :bang:
its the area behind me thats 100 times worse than ever i know its shit but as of yet no trouble n my house is nice
bastards. you know what you should do though eh? get a few tins of beans and chuck them on the fire. not only will they all be covered in beans they will shit themselves when it bursts winner
there was kids walking round with bats when i was at yours!!! :samurai: and the psycho woman that lives in the dark 2 doors down "fresh outa St Nicks" :spangled: your house is nice though
well graham the entertainment is endless yeah my house is nice i hope they dont find out it was me grassing them up or it wont be for much longer i suspect
Had trouble like that when I had my wee flat in Portush. It was across the road from an orange hall, and a flute band met there every tuesday, not to play the flute it seemed but to sit outside and get pissed etc. Rang the police to complain, the band were not allowed to practice there any more. A few weeks later I find out the band heard it was my flat that complained, and it was a local DUP counciller who told them Was shitting myself for weeks, but no-one said owt. Conclusion................scum everywhere. You did the right thing
Some fucking arse has tried to break in my car and screwdrivered the lock on the passenger side. I'd vene took the bloody CD player out so it's not like there was out worth nicking in it the little knobjockeys :evil:
This happened to me not long ago.. If i'd caught the little fuckers I woulda put there heed through me window. The charvers round here have taken a liking to putin shite on the roads.. such as branches, crates, wood etc.. I was drivin down a v dark road the other day and just managed to see the stuff in time.. And when I got out to move it they were fucking shouting shite at me.. if there wasn't 10 of them I woulda fucked the lot of them. They boil my piss.. :fuming: