Ecstasy stops Cancer Ecstasy can block cancer growth Ecstasy and anti-depressant drugs such as Prozac have the potential to stop cancer cell growth, research has found. A University of Birmingham team tested the impact of amphetamine derivatives such as Ecstasy and weight-loss pills, and antidepressants including Prozac. They found the drugs were effective at blocking cancer growth in more than half of lymphoma (white blood cell cancer) samples tested. It is hoped the FASEBJ Journal study will will lead to new cancer therapies. The possibility that some of these patients can be treated with antidepressants that have cancer-killing properties is truly remarkable Dr David Grant The study focused on 17 samples of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and multiple myeloma. Cancer growth was slowed down in nine out of the 17 samples when they were exposed to antidepressants, and in 11 out of 17 when exposed to one or both of the amphetamine derivatives.
it then goes on to say "However, the researchers stressed that the use of ecstasy was not so straightforward - the dose required to block cancer growth was so high it would kill the patient." lol
So, in a nutshell - 'Ecstasy will prevent cancer cells from being produced!' 'But only by taking enough to melt your brains!'
but if u have dabbled and continue 2do so then surely it must have some affect,,,or am i jus makin excuses for myself
we all know its bullshit m8,,but the buzz out does it all,,like everythin in lifeMODERATION is the key
the medical prof thinks 2 + pills of X is a major overdose, am sure I could survive a "cancer buster" nee problem
true like but u dont know the strength of the pill he was using, might have been pure then again 2 pills aint that much these days though are they