i know, i keep trying...i keep buying bigger bags thinking if its bigger then maybe one day a lamp will come out of my bag but no such luck as yet! alls thats happening tho is that i keep finding more shit to keep in my bag so its really heavy now! :fart:
why thankyou... i've said some rude things to take the piss or to piss people off in my time..specially if i didn't like them anyways! they deserve it....they take up vital oxygen with their miserable existance!
Its gone on to long now like Rachel its old news which has already been said....Theres just no need to be that way thats all tbf you dont even know me all you know is hear say! Dont try and be bitchy, cocky or whatever you were trying to be it doesnt suit you!
this has nothing to do with the fact that im now seeing your ex boyfriend it is over the fact that you are a poison lying little tramp, im sure you have ideas what im talking about without me embarrasing you over a public message board and hey sugar, the bitchieness suits me just fine :cyber:
1 Week Ibiza, Sept for the 2nd last Cream @ Amnesia then see what else i can catch when am there - be a sat to sat job 6 Days in Milan - October wi TheSpence / Kid Looking forward to em both