i hadnt seen you in ages, where've you been hiding acually theres lots of people i seen over the weekend that i hadnt seen in a while which was good
Ive just recently got a flat and Im going on holiday 5 weeks tomorrow so I havent really been out much! Just staying in getting stoned.............You know how it is!
Already been to the Dam for 3 days Probs going back for Dance Valley Now it also looks like me and mick are goona try and get to Ibiza for a week if agent claires offer still stands if not may go for a week for the closing parties. Also going to London to see me bessie mate Stacey once she's had the bairn
Going to Dance Valley with Slash Flying out on the wednesday so we get to see the full glory of Amsterdam:chill: Can't wait
yeh me and a mate have our tickets sorted, just gotta sort travel when rossys gets the go ahead its gonna be immense matey