Spud Needs a new job Like, soonish ideally have good computing knowledge and experience in admin/data entry/customer service... just been told im gone (again) next wednesday... so i had better get on the case :spangled: anyone?
Re: Spud Needs a new job send me ya cv bud and ill have a word with the lasses here mate paul@librapersonnel.co.uk
aww sorry to here it spud! good luck fiondinga new one! ps- speaking of jobs, i need a summer one, if anyone has any ideas.....gotta £1,500 overdraft to pay off.... xxx
i would say go abroad but you'll probably end up spending more sorry to hear about you losing your job spud
ilol let you in on a gem. *to the tune of 'if you are happy and you know it clap your hands* "IIIIIIIf youuuuur drunk and you look like a charva we'll hand you a flyer, IIIf youuur drunk and you look like a charva we'll hand you a flyer, If your drunk and you look like a charva, and your breath it smells of lager, IIIIIIf youuuur drunk and you loook like a charva we'll hand you a flyer!"
i thought that was you! but it was A) Early and B) i was going to work so probably looked like a right happy bastard happier than i do now mind