Aye... but their majority is getting smaller all the time. Quite interesting, i never expected the tories to win, but its quite significant how much ground they seem to be gaining and how the Lib Dems are fast becoming the 'third party'
From listening to the news all 3 main parties won Labour won the election, Conservatives have gained the most seats & the Lib Dems are saying they had the biggest increase in the % of the vote. NO LOSERS Highlight was waking up @ about 4:30am to go to the bog I flicked the TV on to see who had won & Galloway & Paxman were arguing like hell
don't think the lib dems did as well as they/everyone thought - and i think the tories did better than they/everyone thought... was watching till the first result came in... then watched from about 5am onwards... the presenters were calling it a 'dramatic' election... hardly... so labour lost a few seats... no members of the cabinet or shadow cabinet lost...
Come off it Tony Blair has to be the most hated man in england, excluding people that didn't vote (more voted for pop idol) shit loads of voters still deserted labour.... The conservatives didn't capitalise on this and are still out of power. The tories are a dying party, by the next general election Iraq will be forgotten (along with the tories).
MEANING the tories didn't get beat by the lib dems - which was possibly on the cards as they have no direction whatsoever at the moment and all the blair-haters bigging-up kennedy!
From reading this board the Blair-haters were going to being voting Tory I voted Lib Dem because I refuse to vote for Byers
I wish the Lib Dems had got more seats - both Labour and the Conservatives could do with an almighty kick up the arse.
i liked the lib dem campaign, well reasoned and my local candidate has addressed some good issues and -imo- totally deserves his seat.