Anyone watching the election? Just wondering. I'm up, drinking bevs, watching it! Come on teh labour, not doing to well?! It's just these dick heads that vote Lib Dem because they don't want labour in, but they don't realise it's helping the fucking tories!!!!!!!!
Re: Anyone watching the election? Posts like that show why morons should be denied the right to vote.
Re: Re: Anyone watching the election? yeah how???? YOu reckon the proposals of Lib Dem were good?! Aboloshing the life sentence, legalising canabis!!!! THey aint got a clue!!!!! If they were in power, they would be like, shit what do we do!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Anyone watching the election? Lol! I dont care who im helping, if i 'waste' my vote or whatever, i want to vote for the party whos ideas i agree with. In the age of free fair and competetive elections, it is only right that people put thier views forward and stand up and be counted. Tactical voting is something i dont agree with, i want to vote for the party I want to vote for. simple.
Re: Re: Re: Anyone watching the election? He stated his stupid misguided opinion, I stated my stupid misguided opinion. What's wrong with that?