Thread being closed one about "piss flaps" why close that down.... a simple thread about "piss flaps" sounding bad????? sounds alot like a thread i would post, dont see why it had to be shit down. Someone needs to get off their high horse and get down to the real world.
tizza i know u hav nothin better to do as u dont hav a job but saying childish immature comments to try and make ppl bite r pathetic grow up eh
lol its the only thing u do tho take the piss out of ppl and talk a load of crap tryin to act all hard or wotever but ive met u a few times and uve been at same afterparties as me down boro and hav sat there all quiet and shy so i dont know wot u r tryin to achieve by goin on the way u do, u just makin yourself out to b a **** What will the ginger scrawny smack addict dole walla do now
power to the people, let the audience decide if he goes, i say definately get rid just as an example, my mate has just joined the board yesterday after me sayin how much good fun it can be, he logs in and sees such utter shit, now i cant see him running back here in a hurry
pointless threads are good though It just depends how many of them there are and if they're causing offense to people