Help with my avator I've been trying to put a pic in my avator since last night and now I'm just fed up of trying. How do you do it?!::bang:
Re: Help with my avator Click "User CP", then "Edit Options" It's at the bottom under "Other Options".
ye or if u r getting errors trying to do it it's probably because the picture ur trying to use tis too big or wide.. have a look at the post i wrote in the Photos forum it might help u with this prob. I hope the avatar is good
The admin lads should knock up an idiots guide to editing your profile & adding pics to posts etc etc and put it as a sticky... to explain all the things most newbies fry themselves over... i've read posts similar to this all too often & was the author to many once myself
I wrote one here cos I had nothing better to do with my life at the time. I'm going nuts not being able to go out atm :bang: (need to save money for london on the 10th May then Florida in August)
hahaha go back to wtfdoIdo stage. u remind me of my m8 she's got my little pony everywhere. I'm always tempted to burn one but I don't fancy the walk home from South Shields. Excellent choice