So the sun has brought out all the CrAzY drivers :evil: :evil: :evil: Some people should just not be allowed on the road!! Been out in the car for three hours; had a road rage fight with an old bloke (fucking tosser), nearly went into the back of some twat that had literally just stopped dead on a dual carrageway, no idicators or anything, just stopped to talk on his fone and some other fucker swerved out in front of me cos he was in the wrong lane :angry: No wonder I get angry driving!!! Anyone else seen some crazy stuff on the roads??
Actually, on the way out of town today I noticed a lot of drivers being careless and not paying attention. Everyone breaking really sharply. And I was on a bus!
ill take ur word for it i get impatient when standing in a cue, never mind what id be like when i learn to drive
no but i saw this mad lass hurl abuse at this poor old chap, nearly stove into someone from behind on a dual carrigeway as she was doing her makeup in the mirror then undertake another poor driver.... phah... wimmin these days....
had some mad driving lesson, my driving instructor causing road rage when leaning out the window and giving some bloke loads of shit when he nearly pulled out in front of us, the bloke chased us half way round newcastle before gettign bored on another driving lesson, saw 2 blokes get out of cars and kick off, one pulled out a metal bar... the other pulled out a gun on the other bloke, needless to say the bloke with the bar shit himself and jumped back in his car and reversed away. they were still chasing each other round the streets in the cars afterwards
me and my mates were driving back from Manchester after gods, some twat in a jag was parked up behind some old shit heap on the motorway, anyhoo he pulled out onto the left lane right infront of us then dodged back in just infront of the shit heap. my mate had to stamp on the brakes or we were gonna go into the back of him. needless to say i hurled abuse at the wanker.