Student Loan Whoooooooooooooo just checked my bank account and my student loan has gone in early, however, it is less than the amount stated on my form they sent to me detailing the payments?!?!
get yourself onto and have your loan paperwork/reference numbers handy. the site can tell you what the crack is regarding payments and stuff
How are you anyway, been getting upto much exciting since you left school?! It's Nat Collins in case you're wondering
i know who you are...! i'm good thanks, still with kel, living in france (3rd year of degree) then back to liverpool next year for some lovely final year joy, can't wait! you?
What are student Loans used for? Is it Books, equipment etc.. Or BEER AND TABS (I'm not a student by the way)
lol mine has paid for my hols to ibiza the last 2 yrs!! used my money from part time job for normal stuff
the majority of my loan pays for my rent but if I'd stayed at home would have probably used it to get a decent car
My student loan went purely on my rent and whatever was left over went on bills. I had none spare for anything else in the 3 years i spent at uni, i had to work part time to pay for other things and even then i was skint and had to get me mam to bail me out once or twice... i really dont see how some people can afford so much shit at uni with just a loan... i stuggled with what i had smog!
Paying mine back. Wish I hadn't taken one out!!! Didn't really need it if I'm honest but saw it as "free money" at the time! What I spent in 3 years will take me 20 years to pay back and I don't owe as much as a lot of people!
I will have to start paying back £14,000 when I get a job, it sounds alot but I didnt want to miss out on the experience of living in a new city. The first two years of uni were class, this last years been a bit shit but thats just cos everyones got so much work to do
I've been really lucky in the fact that I have had all of my student loan to spend on whatever I like - mainly drink and food due to having my own house and getting my friends to pay rent which goes into a separate account but makes me able to live there rent free, I don't know what I owuld have done if I didn't have that cos I'm always on my limit wthout even paying rent!!