ok fri afternoon im bored im well bored, and cant go home til 4. finished all my work, coz im mint anyway want somethin to laugh at so wots the worst trick u hav ever played on someone? or the worst wind up and stuff like that?? dan i know u will hav a few and not just for sheeba!!! :laugh:
Re: ok fri afternoon im bored got a bouncy castle set up in my m8s front garden for no reason-his mam got me suspended from school-so i got her sum flowers and she was my friend again
one certain individual from t board (male) was gettin it on wit my m8 Phil - by accident as they were both so smashed. It got as far as clothes being ripped off until they realised who they were gettin it on wit rather than it bein Phils bird (who they both like/d). The next day m8y was devasted by this so I decided to tell him that Phil used to be called Phillipa - he was like - I knew it...i fuckin knew it! well funny
Re: ok fri afternoon im bored Dunno what you mean Probs the best one was when i was younger. I had stayed at my Grandma's on the thurs night as it was half term. The friday was april 1st, There was a small crack in my Granny's ceiling, so when she was upstairs i squirted water on it (loads). When she cam down i was like " Grandma, i think you've got a leak" :laugh: she started to worry and called my Mam. I thought that was the end of it and went back upstairs to get ready BUT when i returned back down my Mam had arrived and so had the plumber No pocket money for me for a while I also ate some ravioli which was for one of the kids my Ma looks after, then realised what i had done, so i quicky threw the spoon on the floor, tipped the pan over on its side and went and found the CAT. Rubbed the remainer of the sauce around her face and put her paws in it too (the cat has a white face) Jobs a gudun
Re: Re: ok fri afternoon im bored lol remember at last tidy u ringing your dad up and sayin that the coach hadnt turned up and u were stranded in wales so he had to come and get u and he believed u
we got a spare key to my mates flat, and when he went out one night we went in and painted the whole flat bright pink. we were only ment to do the front room, we did it so quick and so much paint left we did the whole as well, painted nearly every thing pink. Painted his work boots pink as well, he got loads of shit and wolf whistles on the building site the next day.
don't fancy that - not keen on him or ferry who's headlinin - if armin/van dyk then maybe. was goin t men until this week - decided wud save £ wit promise and be in better shape 4 work mon. shud cum t promise 2nite - mite be goin out round town 2moz
ha - mint. Mills isn't hard enuf for me - still must of been gud tho. Love underground clubs. Sankey Soaps in manc pretty cool. Not long till loan day anyways
Still can't stop laughing at that!!! I stood on my mate's foot and made him swallow a sheep's eyeball.