Trance @ Air Records In conjuntion with the launch of AIR RECORDS online store and we are expanding and will have a trance section in the shop in the next few weeks... we will have plenty of upfront titles refeshed daily and weekly... to ensure we stock what it is that everyone wants..what sort of trance section would you like to see....?? would really like to hear what all you think, and will keep you posted.. AIR RECORDS*8 HIGH BRIDGE*NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE WWW.AIRGROOVE.CO.UK WWW.AIRRECORDS.CO.UK
What do you mean? If your meaning labels id go down the 'A State of Trance, Somatic Sense, Electronic Elements' route Id come and have a look if thats what you'd be stocking
MrAirRecords, Richard Tulip of Promise does the M8 trance reviews maybe you could get him to be your tranceadvisor? You may even be able to get all the promos records he doesnt want to sell on
do you need a back catalouge ??? If so i have 000's of trance, and prog records you can have on the cheap in bulk
it all goona be new releases... i just thought id post on here to see if there were certain styles of trance that you guys prefer or would like on your doorstep. yeah man if you want to tell me your fav labels that cool.