Gatecrasher Millenium Partee Did anyone go???did i really miss the best party the world has ever seen? anyone got any cool stories about the night...except for the PVD story
They had to stop the music while some muppet climbed up of of the tent poles.... Was an awesome night
Re: Gatecrasher Millenium Partee i was there yeah. was really good...BUT...nah not the best party the world has ever seen! and that mupped who scaled the poles...hahaha he didnt wanna come down cos every1 was gonna knock him out cos music stopped!!! ten when he came down in dj box area...pvd appeared to smack him
Chems & Sasha played at the start of the night and rocked then it was totally dire. The tent was freezing with fuck all atmosphere. Total rip off for £100. Think the council knocked back the heating system on the day of the event which ruined it.
Chems stole the show by far yeah! Teased in "Hey boy..hey girl" for what seemed their entire set before finally dropping it and watching the place go off!! Fantastic!
Was a complete rip off me and my mates complained to Crasher after wards and where sent 3 complimentry tickets each to the summer sound system Lotherton Hall was Crashers best event by far
Was complete cack, compared to what was described on the flyer, i`d give it about 3/10, i`ve been to much better multi arena events where more had been spent on production for a third of the cost, `Crashers best events were Lotherton hall `99/Gcsss `00 & the second NEC......
Jules started a chant off if i remember - might have dreamt it up though, i was a bit :spangled: by then
Bullshit, the chemicals where fucking shit. it wasnt even dance music. ask miss messy she fell asleep and fell over when they where on..
Didnt the lord start with "Robbie Williams - Millenium" or summit ?!?! Obviously his re-edit I heard the Chems were shite actually, i have Sasha's set on CD in the hoose and its canny fucking pitched up - people that i have spoken to who know there shit enjoyed it Mack being one of them I was meant to be there myself, none of me fucking mates at the time were into that sorta thing hence why i went to GC for first time in May 01.
It is really fast but good as well. Supposed he has to play to the crowd so had to speed it up for all the kids