gardening just been out mowing the lawn n trimming the hedges n im knackered whilst doing it 2 charvas from the local area of middlesbrough were stood on the other side of my gate saying they would do the lot for a fiver lol as they were skint and had no money for cigs lol i said no they stood and watched me for 5 mins
lol was considering saying ill do the front you do the back but.... a) they would of told me to get f***ed b) as above thast your job anyway ive decided
Re: gardening Im sooo surprised one of the lads hasnt made a comment about you mowing your lawn and trimming the hedges - pube wise!
lol aaron it aint that bad well the back does need a bit of attention n your job well your doing it n didnt think bout the comment regards my nether regions i dont think they have the brain capability of with around these parts lol