itunes top program but its annoying as fuck cos it has gaps between tracks is their anything to stop this?? and why to ipods have gaps between tracks too u'd think with all that work going into making them they wudnt have gaps between the tracks
how much u pay fro the album though? is there any other players apart from ituens that are good at sync'ing with ipods and easy to catalogue ur music?? that dobt have gaps
you can sort it Visit, I belive there is a program which attaches to Itunes and eliminates this problem. Havn't used it befor but can remember seeing it not so long back.
better off getting the album then using somet like windows media player to rip them to mp3 and stick em on your ipod
ive already gto loads of albums i just wanna whack em on my computer and store them neatly all under 1 program that works good itunes is easiest to catalogue etc etc but has gaps in