Oops, I meant to say: Power to the people! The possibility of over 1 million public sector workers on strike might have it's desired effect...
they should strike where i worked/work (im suspended). theyre suspendeing everyone and sacking loads cos of emails they deem as offensive which are clearly not. theyre suspended most of my mates cos they have been sending me emails, i feel guilty as fuck cos they would have probs never found out if i never got suspended for having a cartoon picture with the word 'shit' on it in my internet cache
I can't afford to strike! Can't afford to lose a day's pay! Bag of shite when you can't afford morals, eh? Mind you the last strike over pay did absolutely nowt did it??? My pay rise last year was lower than the one following strike action!!!
tell me about mate, i dont want to lose a days pay either, but i dont see the point of being in the union then not backing them in disputes. and i'm not gonna cross a picket line as well I know what u mean about the last pay strike as well, we got a 2 year deal, the college did the first year but then did not honour the 2nd year, saying they cant afford it
yes they would have....my work found out what i'd posted on here cos they thought my internet use was high!
Looks like I'm on strike too. Seems as though only certain unions are definitely out...Unison being one of them, but I'm sure the GMB ballot result was not in favour of industrial action. Don't really want to lose a days pay but what can you do? At the end of the day, I hope its worth it in the long run. The troubling thing is, I'd get exactly the same benefits were I not in the union!