Suspended where i work alot of people have been sacked or suspended pending investigations into their emails, simply because theyve been talking to their mates and having a laugh on their breaks. a mate of mine got suspended for saying i was the equivelant in the gay scene as some famous person (cant remember who) was to the bearded lady scene. pure random banter to pass the time and they suspended him for it. saying that im still suspended cos i had a cartoon picture on my machine of the word shit. have they gone too far or are they standard and just in their attitudes towards their working environment ?
it was starting to get like a prison camp in there, youd get a bollocking if you looked up from your computer screen.
Re: Suspended Do you work at the Inland Revenue? That sounds like the sort of thing they'd do. A friend of mine who used to work there had his emails checked and they found over 5000 personal emails sent in the space of a month.
I agree with Jess, what might seem like harmless banter to you may be very offensive to others. As far as e-mails go, they are quite strict here too (npower) but if your careful i.e delete all none work related mail, and clean out your deleted items you will be fine. *touches wood*
this email was clearly banter between 2 people, there was no one else involved. he would call me somet random and then ask if i was out at the weekend, then i would call him somet random and reply to his question. for example ______ him "aright you slightly deformed mutant, you out at the weekend?" me "how do, you sexually deprived bald excuse for a human, aye i was out , went to the town" ---------- just pure random banter, the lass that suspended him was even laughing when she read the email everything sent and received has a copy of it stored on the exchange server.
where i work they can hire and fire people like that. they dont give a toss about the quality of the service they can get some newbie in to do your job at a reduced wage. even tho the newun's need training up which can take a few month. they can just sack the team leaders and ops managers if their team fails a service target and promote some schmoe who hasnt been sacked yet.
But you are at WORK. Not at home or whatever. They can do what they want. Its their systems/computers etc. You are there to work and not to send emails or sit on the net or generally use these for your own use. It may seem strict but this is the real world
you are allowed to use the email facilities for personal use as long as its not excessive use. its in the contract
were that short staffed the only time we get to send an email out is when your on your break or lunch so they cant say were stealing company time or owt
Yeah but its using their facilities. And they may not like that. Is their nothing in the contract about the content of emails? Because if not then surely thats unfair dismissal?
you can use email and internet if you get time. the only thing i can see wrong is that they think its abusive because of the words but the context it is worded in sugests otherwise. they're either incredibly thick or looking to cut jobs.