Morillo at Shindig Who went?? I was amazed by the tunes Played some absoutley mint remixes of some older tracks, pump up the jam for example, aswell as all the latest tunes....with some incredible mixing! (and the odd shit mix aswell like but whos listening anyway ) He even got on the mic too! Dispite my best efforts he wouldn't give me his hat Totally class night, really busy too And can I just bow down to the new burger van outside :worship: Shindig
I tried to tell peopel that morillo can be class on his day, but nobody would listen... Was a class night like
Re: Morillo at Shindig Big no score. He did that at the Shindig birthday a couple of years back. Was so cringeworthy. I was actually embarresed for him, not to mention his set. Each to their own though. I cant wait for Howells next week.
Because I didn't think the tune selection or way he constructed it was up to much. Don't worry, all in my opinion, feel free to like it.
that was a truly cracking nite - the occasional galloping horses merely added a touch of comedy to the sublime beats and amazing atmosphere. A rare experience indeed these days, no qualms at all over the vast sum of cash I spent Forgot to drink the obligatory 3 pints of water when I got in, so I was feeling rough as a badger's arse this morning - still well worth it. I thought the mic was a nice personal touch - Morillo really seemed connected to the crowd and the music, and the whole place responded as such. Harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry
I thought Morillo was rubbish. Played some awful soulful vocal stuff which just made me sit down,he did play some stuff i thought was ok but then i was too hot to dance. The rude people were out in force too,bumpin into people and just given black looks instead of 'soz mate' or sumat. I was expecting much more from Mr Morillo but was very disappointed
I like other stuff aslong as it doesn't stray too far into the unknown (i.e danny howells new GU album )
yeh im looking forward to seeing danny howells, tbh i didnt think much of his GU album to start with, im starting to get into it a bit more now tho after having a proper listen