Advert for Mercedes Anybody else think its really weird Its awful!! That piano music is horrible!! Im talking about the one where the man's in the office, its obviously trying to show how stressed you are at work and stuff then you get in your car and you have 'space to think' but I think its a really weird advert! :spangled:
Re: Advert for Mercedes i think its quite... errm.. chilling.. like something from reqieum for a dream :spangled: it got our attention tho!
Re: Re: Advert for Mercedes i lent my copy of requiem to some girl from work who then fucked off on maternity leave for 6 months she lent me some sweedish film called together which is a bit wierd but has turned into a sunday classic so it aint all bad!
Yeah but I dont think it gets attention in a good way..its freaky Requiem for a dream is a hell of a lot more chilling though!
I suppose so. Just because somebody remembers something doesnt mean they like it or they want to go out and buy it. Suppose it definately isnt aimed at me, so it may have captured the target audience just nicely.
Re: Re: Re: Advert for Mercedes haha i just claimed a free copy of requiem , as some lass who used to work for us lent to a lad then when he come back she had left now he has left and left me in charge of looking after her dvd for her she come back the other day to clear her draw out asked me if paul had brought it back i just said aint seen him since he left
to true bet you all rember the one were the song goes ohh lord wont you by me a merc benz my freinds all have porches etc bet none of you prayed to the lord and if did didnt get one