Sundays Whats everyone do? I usually end up at the pub some point on a sunday. Sunday Dinner obviously Anybody find them boring? I like em Just wondering..I like sunday morning aswell its cute Anyone doing anything exciting this sunday night? :groovy:
Don't usually like Sundays as they're pretty boring and for me they usually equal feeling rough, uni work or both. Today's pretty mint though as I've been out for a nice meal and got lots of nice presents and stuff:groovy:
Yes I like going for drinks and nice food on sundays! I love what the skies like at the moment aswell...
usuaully i just chill on a sunday sometimes a few pint (especially on sunny summer afternoons) but this sunday i'm doing a 12 hour night shift (four hours of them are double time so not too bad)
been to see my gran today coz shes really ill, then came round to the little rave house but everyone except kev is asleep, not so much of a rave house after all
Sundays are usually really boring because where I live just dies and I'm one of those people who prefers busyness and things going on around me.
So you came to the party town that is Forest Hall instead.. unlucky.. Sundays rule.. sometimes go to the pub on Sunday evenings but can't be arsed today.
Jill, have your BB gun ready for the next time mam decides to rant about fucking work. She does it at home all the time, I nearly shouted when I was at yours but I had to contain myself. Pubs around here are too far away from home to just 'pop round' to, i'd be there more often otherwise.