mon the park went to see maximo park at the cluny last night...amazing!when they get their albumout it should be massive! the two other bands - the research, and kubicheck were also immense on a sadder note, they dedicated a song to edwin collins, who had a stroke last night
plus the lead vocalist/keyboard player was funny as fuck, totally wasted sitting with the keyboard on his knee! here's one of their videos... http://exodus.interoutemediaservice...5-04df-409c-bdeb-2baf1541609a&delivery=stream
My little bro got free tickets to see these cos he went to see them at HMV during the day at something, he was well chuffed bless him
i thought it started at 5.30 so i rushed home from work (in sunderland) to discover it started at 5, and missed it! i wanted to get some polaroids too!
the wench on the left looks like ana matronic the one in the middle however, well it goes without saying