Ornothologists Are Cool! Spent this morning sat in the conservetory with my binoculars watching birdies. We've had blackbirds (male and female) Sparrows (male and female) a robin, starlings, a chiffchaff, a dunnock, a wren, blue tits, great tits, a long tailed tit and this one i hadnt seen before so i got out the bird book and found we have a goldcrest...smallest bird in europe...very pretty...was a female tho, hoping theres a male cos they have lovely plumage. went down the river aswell and saw ducks (puddle ducks and mallardy ones) Canadian Geese, White geese, great crested grebes and a little grebe which i hadnt seen before. No heron today though. Aint Ornothology Brilliant? Anyone else a birdwatcher?
we have a robin that is constantly in our garden on the lil birdy table my mam puts food out for him all the time
My cat molly was supposed to stay with my dad when the rents broke up, mum got 2 dogs and 3 kids, dad got 4 cats...but he asked us to take her because he came down into the hall one day and there was a Woodpigeon sitting on the shelves with his bottle collection. Molly was say making machinegun noises at it, not only had she got a live (presumably stunned) wood pigeon into the house, there are 3 cat flaps on the way to the hall, and 2 of them are up steps Shes either very strong or Polly, Sam and Oliver helped her.